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Howard County Dental Association is pleased to offer the following continuing education course:  

6:30 p.m.   Virtual Presentation

Vital Pulp Therapy

featuring Dr. Meetu R. Kohli, BDS, DMD

2 CE  Credits - AGD 130 Electives

Wednesday, February 26th

Course Description:

The endodontic treatment spectrum is wider than just routine root canal therapy. The treatment of choice for a case is decided upon after a thorough diagnosis and dental history evaluation. Vital pulp therapy should be the first consideration when a treatment modality for a carious lesion is being considered based on pulpal diagnosis. The best filling for root canal space is the pulp. With the advent of newer materials, such as bioceramics, their biocompatibility and sealing ability makes these procedures more predictable and successful if the case selection is accurate. 

Course Objectives:
  • Understand the indications and contraindications of the procedure


  • Know the clinical steps of treatment.


  • Evaluate how the advances in material science and technology have affected the prognosis and have an evidence-based knowledge of outcome of each of the procedure. 

About our speaker:

Meetu Ralli Kohli BDS, DMD | Clinical Associate Professor of Endodontics  | Vice President, Director and Diplomate of American Board of Endodontics | Director: Continuing Education (CE) & International Scholar Program & Masters of Advanced Dental Studies: Endodontics (MADS) | University of Pennsylvania

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